Innovation. This is the word that will characterizes also the second Edition of the TOP-5 Conference in Venice. The event is aimed to identify, in the era of globalization, the ongoing and future challenges in infectious diseases and to bring current global issues to the attention of institutions.
The following topics will be covered:
But what does “innovation” mean in Infectious Diseases? Innovation means “appropriate and rational use” of diagnostic methods, antimicrobials, Big Data and maching learning finalized to develop updated knowledge for the modern treatment of Infectious Diseases.
These issues will be discussed with academicians, stakeholders, professionals and young researchers to share experiences and evidences and to have an unforgettable experience in one of the most beautiful venue in the world:
the ancient Venice!
Dott.ssa Chiara Martina Zoncada
Dott.ssa Annalisa Antonino
Dott.ssa Sara Tedeschi
Deborah Cattaruzza
Professor of Infectious Diseases
Director of Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine - University of Pisa
Director of the School of Specialisation in Infectious Diseases - University of Pisa
Associate Professor in Infectious Diseases
University Hospital of Pisa
Professor of Infectious Diseases
Director of the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Complex Operational Unit, Padua Hospital - Padua
Professor of Infectious Diseases
Director of the Clinic of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
University Hospital Policlinico di Modena
Director of the Infectious Diseases Unit
Azienda Ulss 3 Serenissima – Mestre (VE)
Medical Director in Infectious Diseases
University Hospital of Pisa
Provider ECM n.265
Via Riviera 39,27100 Pavia (PV)
P.IVA e C.F. 12521390158
Phone: +39.0382.525714
Dott.ssa Chiara Martina Zoncada
Dott.ssa Annalisa Antonino
Dott.ssa Sara Tedeschi
Deborah Cattaruzza
Nadirex International S.r.l.
Via Riviera 39, 27100 Pavia (PV) - Telefono: +39.0382.525714 - Fax: +39.0382.525736
P.IVA e C.F. 12521390158 - Reg. Imprese uff. Pavia 12521390158 - REA 233496 - Capitale Sociale €10.500 i.v.
Certificazione UNI EN ISO 9001 - Provider ECM n.265
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